ED Relapse Prevention Groups (AA for ED)

Our founder specifically designed these Aloha Aftercare groups to give lifelong support for sustained recovery, because sometimes you just need to talk to another soul that gets it and be accepted for exactly where you are. This is a rolling that group offers consistent weekly support for clients in recovery who are either stepping down from a higher level of care or would benefit from complementary care in addition to their outpatient team or are far enough in recovery to just want a place to where others get it.  Our adult & teen group use our unique approach meeting 1 day a month in person, & the other 3 virtual with telemedicine form, offer with drop in rates, 2 or 6-month packages, and includes complimentary email support, and monthly coaching session. We know that 100% of relapse happens at the outpatient level, you now have support, don’t settle for partial recovery. Perfect for treatment alumni, and medically stable clients.

Every once in a while every person has suffered from either an anxiety attack or a minor to major depression.

The most telling sign of it is that no matter what you do, your mind cannot see the world in the positive light anymore... However, even the most severe depression is treatable. So, if your depression is halting you from living the life you want to, never doubt about asking for a professional therapist to give you a proper counseling help.Getting to understand your depression in a better way will be crucial when you will make a decision to ask for help. From therapy to medication to healthy lifestyle changes, there are many effective treatments that can help you overcome depression and reclaim your life.

Exploring your depression treatment options. Just as no two people are affected the exact same way by depression, there is no completely universal treatment that cures everybody with the exact timing for all...

What works for one person might not work for another. The best way to treat depression is to become as informed as possible about the treatment options, and then tailor them to meet your needs.

Depression therapy sessions are meant to be interactive and collaborative, with a lot of exchange between the patient and the counselor therapist.

While most of the time our therapists will be listening about your specific concerns, difficulties, and goals, they will also be addressing a lot of relevant questions to you, so both your life situation and your emotional troubles are analyzed thoroughly and in-depth.

As some things may be hard or painful to talk about, we're determined to make the whole environment feel friendly for you.

Personal ApproachWhichever specific patient we're working with, whatever his or her emotional issues are all about, we always sketch out a personalized sessions plan that eventually becomes our winning therapeutic gameplan!
Intensive HelpIf you've been suffering from a specific emotional state for a long time or in case your emotional issues are severe and you need our help to get through them in an emergent way, we will be able to do that!
Empathic TherapistsRegardless of what kind of a therapy you're going through, be either an individual one or our family therapy sessions, our team of professional therapists will do everything and anything it takes to fix the way you think.

Request a Consultation

Whichever specific health issue you're currently facing, we'll be more than glad to give you a pre-appointment, free consultation on it!