
Closed – Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our  IOP has 3hr of groups 3 days a week

Components: DBT skills, Radically Open-DBT, body image, art therapy, outings, meal support, peer support, weekly 1:1 therapy with an eating disorder specialist.

Programming is available at our headquarters in Columbia, SC.

Group Therapy & Support

Groups for Men, Women, & Adolescents

We offer various weekly 1hr-1.5hr groups throughout the year. We offer clients struggling with food and body image DBT informed skills groups, process groups, and peer support groups.


The Four Critical Components of Recovery

  1. Self-Exploration and Feeding Soul Hunger:  learn to tune in, identify feelings and warning signs and communicates those emotions to others.
  2. Support and Authentic Connection:  learn to identify a positive support system and find accountability among healthy peers and a treatment team who “get it” and are working on recovery with you.
  3. Skill-building and Practice: tools and techniques to adequately prepare you to surf the wave of life’s ups and downs on your recovery journey & beyond.
  4. Flexible Control: Eating disorder recovery is unique, it is not a substance you stop using, it’s not black and white.  Recovery takes skill and walking a gray line of trusting your support system to help you stop unhealthy behaviors and encourage new ones. You will learn how to have flexible control to establish a new relationship with food, movement, and your body.

Individual Counseling, Family Based Therapy (FBT) & Coaching

Convenient, accessible care, individual or family  or groups therapy with licensed eating disorder specialist. Are you looking for Family Based Treatment (FBT) and don’t live nearby? We have therapists licensed to provide telehealth (face to face video) sessions in South Carolina and North Carolina. Telehealth gives you access to a specialist wherever you can bring your phone, tablet, or computer you can meet face to face in the convenience of your own home.

We treats patients of all shapes and sizes, ages, all genders, and all stages of recovery, with eating disorders and disordered eating. We works with adults, adolescents and families that are in the throws of their eating disorder battle, as well as, clients who are recovered and looking for more growth opportunities and in depth work.

Counseling at Aloha can look very unique with combinations of evidenced based treatments and holistic alternative therapies. We also like to get outside the office with clients and offer in-house, online and exposure based work in communities like at a grocery store. We also offer walk and talk sessions. We are here to help you heal.